Jakarta: Proyek Penelitan dan Pencatatan Kebudayaan Daerah, Pusat Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Sejarah daerah propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Westport, Connecticut, London: Bergin & Garvey. Art as Culture: an Introduction to the Anthropology of Art. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Penerbitan Buku Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah. Kerajaan Islam Nusantara abad XVI & XVII. Gramsci, A., Forgacs, D., & Nowell Smith, G. from Acehnese Local Government 23-KabupatenKota 23 districts or municipals (23 Kabupaten/Kota).

Daud Beureueh his Role in the Conflict in Aceh Jakarta: Gunung Agung. Daud Beureueh Peranannya dalam Pergolakan di Aceh (Tgk M. London: SAGE Publications.Įl-Ibrahimy, M. Cole (Eds.), Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives, Methodologies (pp. Paper presented at the International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies II Civil Conflict and Its Remedies, Banda Aceh.Įisner, E. Peusijuek Sebuah Tradisi Ritual Sosial Masyarakat Pasee dalam Perspektif Traditionalis dan Reformis (Peusijeuk a collective ritual of Pasee Community from the Perspective of Traditionalist and Modernist Islam). Kingston, Australia: Australia-Indonesia Institute.ĭhuhri, S. Pendidikan Islam Traditional Aceh: Sejarah Perkembangan Dayah Generasi Baru Peneliti Muslim Indonesia, Mencari Ilmu di Australia, Kumpulan Makalah Dosen Penguruan Tinggi Islam Indonesia Peserta Program PERTII 2004-2006. Art and Social Context Its Background, Inception and Development. Paper presented at the First International Conference of Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies Banda Aceh, Indonesia.Ĭrickmay, C. The New Anthropology of Ethnicity and Identity -and why it Matters for Aceh and Indonesia. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.īowen, J. Islam and nation : separatist rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia. Aceh's Contribution to Standards of Malayness. It shows that Acehnese art accommodates to all of different ness of Acehnese communities and, therefore, raises Acehnese collective consciousness.ĪcehInstitute, F. Here we establishes that Acehnese art plays great role in bringing togetherness to different groups of Acehnese society, which results in resolving horizontal conflict of Acehnese society. This dispute has generated different extreme perspectives upon seeing themselves in the way to treat their cultural identity. To date, there is, however, no certainty about the nature of Islam in Aceh, as heated debate still exists between traditionalist and modernist Muslims upon the nature of Sharia application in the place. It is commonly known that Islam is the pride of the Acehnese. This work offers a cultural resolution of Acehnese present conflict between traditionalist and modernist Muslims, which are represented by Dayah and Muhammadiyah community in Aceh. Relying on post-colonial theories, I formulate the framework that Acehnese art has significant position to handling current cultural problem of Acehnese society. This article begins with explaining the present problems of Acehnese cultural identity, then articulating how the art is usefully employed to solve those difficulties.